Sunday, May 18, 2008


Friday May 16, 2008: Baton Rouge, LA to Kinder, LA (62 miles)
Saturday May 17, 2008: Kinder, LA to Beaumont, TX (67 miles)
Sunday May 18, 2008: Beaumont, TX to Houston, TX (30 miles)

Will update this when in Austin.
Also consider going to my other site:

it has photos.


Holt Webb said...

Whoo! With all that riding, you might just be getting in better shape than I am.

(I'll get you for that!)

I really wish I could have caught up with you on the road. But, I'm in Atlanta until at least July preparing for my exhibit and scrounging sponsors to continue my project.

Speaking of which... how are the donations coming along?

Mike said...

I can't believe you are in Texas. You are making awesome progress. Keep up the great effort.

Melissa and I completed our 110 mile round trip to San Onofre this weekend. It went well and we both feel pretty good. The weather was even pretty warm (not quite hot). I need to start riding out in East County to get some real heat.

Can't wait to meet up with you. Keep it up. You are getting closer!!
