Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ichetucknee Springs to Suwanee River State Park (54 miles)

Tuesday April 29, 2008

Vernus (the camprground owner) and I had some time to talk before I left. I was warming some oatmeal in the microwave while Vernus was petting Tiger, the cat that was just a kitten when Vernus took over 10 years ago. Vernus is originally from Misourri and had served 3 years in Vietnam. We talked about how I grew up, how he grew up, how his 15 & 17 year old kids are growing up, etc. He told me how the times are bad for America right now given the economy, the price of gas, etc. And that trips to his campground are considered to be things that people can do without during tough times. Showing me a calendar, the reservation numbers were a fraction of what they were last year, and due to an error, Vernus was soon to receive $6,000 worth of t-shirts he was not sure who he would sell them to.

Need a novelty present for someone in your life? Email Vernus and buy a t-shirt.
Tell him Dan the cyclist sent you.

Today's ride was filled with clear skies but cool weather. I got started riding at 8am, and wore arm warmers all day as the headwinds I faced the entire distance to Suwanee River State Park were a bit chilling.

After about 30 miles, I felt a pull in my left Quadricep. I capitalize Quadricep to give it some new respect that I may have not given it before. I am not sure if it is a pull or just sore from the use of it these first 200 miles, but I am tending to it with Ibuprofen, additional stretching, and an occassional muscle relaxant.

Fortunately for me County Road 136A, the road I was on, was relatively flat so I could do pretty well with one leg if need be. From time to time, I will pull over into the two-track trail left by the mailman as he swerves over to the shoulder to a mailbox, and rest my bike against an unknown friend's mailbox as I stretch it further.

After a quick lunch at a nearby campground restaurant (where I think only employees of the campground typically eat, yet it is the only restaurant around), I found my way on County Road 132 toward Suwanee River State Park (yes, as in Way Down Upon The Swanee River, the name was intentionally misspelled for the song so people wouldn't try to pronouce the U). 132 unfortunately was full of hills as the waitress had warned me. With a few breaks, I made it though my Quad was not real happy. I had to be there near 3pm as a reporter from the Suwanee (yes, use a U this time) Democrat newspaper was there to interview me. The interview went well and I enjoyed talking with Vanessa, who lives in Madison, Florida, the halfway point in my journey across Florida which I will pass tomorrow.

After a quick photo shoot, I set up camp at site #29, where two long distance cyclists from Wisconsin had occupied the night before on there way back from San Diego. Too crazy!
I made a little dinner (Beef Stroganoff with Noodles) thanks to Mountain House meals I purchased at REI, and then did a little hike to see the Suwanee River.

In bed by 9pm with my IcyHot friend (really the tube of IcyHot), I hope to wake with a fixed Quadricep.

started riding: 7:58am
ended riding: 3:00pm
time biking: 4:45:04
miles: 54.10 miles
average speed: 11.39
calories: 3,800

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Sounds like you're having fun.
There are surely a lot of colorful characters out there.
Hope your quad feels better!