Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Newspaper Article in my hometown paper


Former Rapids resident bikes for water

Dan Altenburg, 36, is on the adventure of a lifetime, and he is doing it for charity.

Altenburg, formerly of Wisconsin Rapids, is on a 2,300 mile-plus bicycle trip from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, and he hopes to raise $23,780 doing it.

"All of that money will go toward providing water for people in Uganda, Africa," he said.

He dipped his back tire in the Atlantic Ocean at St. Augustine, Fla., on April 25 and spent the Memorial Day weekend in Texas with friends. He hopes to reach San Diego by the Fourth of July.

"Most people bike west to east, but I wanted to end up in my adopted home town of San Diego," he said.

"I'm not into charities, but this one is different," Altenburg said. "There are some interesting parallels between this organization and who I am."

He has degrees in geology with a focus on groundwater.

"A single well will provide water for 400 people for 20 years," Altenburg said. "If I can raise $23,780, that's $10 a mile, that would be enough money to bring clean water to 2,500 people."
All of the money he raises will go toward the construction of four clean water systems in Uganda.

"In Uganda, 60 percent of the population lives without access to clean drinking water. The life expectancy there is 43 years," Altenburg said.

He has been traveling the back roads of America on a route provided by Adventure Cycling Association. He stays at campgrounds, motels and with friends along the way.

"I picked the southern route because I have several friends along that route," he said. "My biggest challenge is doing it alone. I'm a social person and it would be nice to be able to ride with someone."

Altenburg has traveled 1,060, about one third of the way, and his only problem has been a flat tire. He started out traveling 50 miles a day, and then upped it to 70 miles a day. Recently, he was slowed by the heat and hills of east Texas. He carries 50 pounds of gear on his bike.
He talks by phone to his parents here and his girlfriend in San Diego daily.

"Many of the friends I stay with along the way call to check on my progress," he said. Friends and family members keep also track of his travels on his Web site www.charitywater.org/getinvolved/promos/dan_altenburg.

"People I meet ask how I trained for this, but I didn't do much training," he said. "I'm an average Joe. I like to stay up late and I eat fried foods."

Altenburg is the youngest of Harold and Jean Altenburg's four children. He is a 1989 graduate of Assumption High School. He graduated from St. Norbert College, De Pere, in 1993 with a degree in geology, and earned a master's degree in geology from the University of Alabama. He worked in his field for four years. Most recently, he worked in sales for a technology company for more than six years.

One friend will meet him in Arizona and ride with him; others will meet him closer to San Diego.
So far he has raised $2,000 and realizes he needs to get the word out for more contributions.
"People hear about it by word of mouth," he said.

Anyone who would like to make a contribution may do so at Charity Water, 150 Varick St. 5th Floor, NY NY 10013, making a note on the memo line that it should go to the Dan Altenburg fund.

Nancy Quick is a correspondent and former lifestyle editor for the Daily Tribune.

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