Thursday, June 12, 2008

Safford, AZ to Globe, AZ (79 miles)

Tuesday June 10, 2008

I was up earlier than I had been since my Dad woke me in highschool to help with frost protection when the freezing cold threatened his crop of strawberries. I woke at 3:30am, and was on the road by 4:40am. This time no flats found in the motel room and I could get started on time. Of course it is dark at 4:40am. The sun comes out at 5:15am-ish, so I was equipped with headlamp and flashing tail light.

Starting out it was about 64 degrees F. The road was slight downhill for the 20 miles my knees took to stop griping at me. I didn't want to leave today. I would've liked a day to rest, but Safford is overcrowded with copper mine workers, and the room I was in was reserved. It would've been difficult to find another room, and with the record high of 105/106F in Safford expected, I wanted out to higher ground.

After slowly giving up elevation from the 2,900 feet at Safford, 20 miles out at 2,500 feet it started to turn upward. Maybe my knees just wanted some challenges because they stopped their griping and went to work after that.

Distractions for me included some beautiful scenery along the way and continued songs via my Ipod. I didn't take too many photos today because I knew the road was largely uphill (then down, then back up, then down, then way back up, etc) and my pace would slow into the hours of threatening heat.

I rode through an Apache Indian Reservation. Stopping to get some drinks and a sandwich at Peridot on US Highway 70, I had a poor experience at the only convenience store there. I bought a large soda from the fountain and filled the largest cup with ice almost to the top since I was interested in the ice not the soda. I also bought two waters to transfer to my water bottles on the bike thinking i would drink the soda and then use the ice in my bottles. After filling one water bottle, I ran out of ice, so I thought he will let me get more ice as long as I use the same fountain cup. After asking "Is it OK if I just grab some more ice in this cup?"..."You will have to pay for more ice", I was told. Wow. I think they are still bitter about the whole cowboys and Indians thing. I wasn't about to support that, so I went iceless in that bottle. (Note: I saw a pallet of Cobra malt liquor being wheeled into the store as I left. Make your own call on that one, but know that the shoulders of the highway had many broken beer bottles on them.)

That story is evidence there isn't much to say today. Finally, I came to Globe at elevation of 3,500 feet. Temperature when I arrived was 93 degrees F, and I immediately rewarded myself with Dairy Queen on the way to the Super (Duper) 8 motel.

I am proud of two back to back long distance rides without a rest day in a while. Yesterday's 78 miles was topped by today's 79 miles of cranking a 100 pound bike (with gear) up the hills. Tomorrow, I understand there is great scenery and bridges between Globe and Apache Junction (near Phoenix metro area), and after a little effort to get started uphill, it is a nice drop most of the way, including riding through a long tunnel blasted through a mountain. Lucky for me, the slope of the tunnel is in my favor from this direction, otherwise I have been told it is unsafe from the other way.

Pics will be added for these pages when I am in Phoenix for a few days. Planning to leave there Monday June 16 with my friend Mike arriving from San Diego to join in the last leg of the trip.

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